Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fight Gone Bad


  1. Jason did this but was sick... he can post his score. I did "Michael" because I wanted to row and work the core, and my shoulders, traps, and chest are spanked from yesterday's AMRAP salad thing. Chelle's fault!

  2. Got 300 again. That is basically all I got. Came out of the gate strong and then just hung on for dear life. 119/90/91. That work out kicks my ass...bad.

  3. Did this "cheating broken old man" style... Sumos were 45 lb kettle bells (first time I've done any kind of pulling from the ground really in a long time) and Box jumps were step ups. So in that way I got 368. I think that score is +35 or so of what it would normally be.


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