Friday, August 15, 2014

Clean and Rest then Clean and Rest Some More


  1. I have to admit that I tried the Cindy row wod and just bailed after three rounds. That thing is designed to destroy and I just wasn't in the mood to be that crushed by a work out the other day. I could feel metabolic disarray coming on strong and I was a wuss.

    Today was interesting.
    165x5 then later 165x6
    185x3 then later 185x4
    205x1 then later 205x2

    My guess is inadequate warm up on round one. Fun wod.

  2. Nicely done sir... I am not ready to do cleans yet. I figure it will be about 6 months total.. we're 3-4 months in with the forearm strain/tear/whatever.


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