Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Chelle's AMRAP Salad

My wife and her girlfriends did this the other day as I quietly (until the final 2K anyway, where there was much grunting and tribulation) rowed my 10K.

3 separate 6 minute couplet AMRAP's, with 2 minutes rest in between

WOD 1:
7 thrusters (95)
7 wall balls

WOD 2:
7 double unders
7 20" box jumps

WOD 3:
7 pushups
7 dips

1 comment:

  1. This was good programming... shoulder smoker!

    WOD 1: 6 rounds + 3 thrusters (first 3 went way faster than last 3)

    WOD 2: 9 rounds

    WOD 3: 8 rounds + 3 pushups


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