Monday, August 25, 2014

Back Squats


  1. Jason and I did this as 5's and mixed in SP 3's. Got up to 255x5 on BS, plenty more left in the tank but preserving my back.... SP was two sets of 135x3 done clean. Why do I suck at those? Jason has an account and might start posting his own stuff. Heard from Chris, he said he was going to start posting again. Maybe the blog will survive?

  2. Nice work Fletcher, that is a heavy set of five. I worked my way up to a heavy set of 1 + 3 30" box jumps, then capped it off with 10 in a row.

    225x5 + 3bj
    255x3 + 3bj
    285x1 + 3bj
    305x1 + 3bj
    320x1 + 10bj

    Good work out. Got the sweat going.

    Fletcher I vote to keep the blog going. I enjoy posting, reading the post, and it is just a fantastic resource for keeping track of progress, which happily age is still allowing me to achieve on some fronts these days.

  3. I vote yes on keeping it going. I read all the posts and will start posting again in a few weeks. I joined a pool a month ago and have been swimming. Also life has been crazy. Soccer season has started (I coach), school started for the kids, parents in state so been visiting, helping friends/family move.

  4. I haven't done much "Crossfit" since I've been dealing w/an injury due to those damn kipping pullups. I no longer do those, but the injury lingers. Anyway, did this w/a 1 RM in mind.
    185 x3
    210 x3
    240 x4
    275 x3
    300 x1
    I've been doing a lot of squats lately and I'm pretty amped I can get to 300#.

  5. Love the dialog guys. man I wish my back wasn't hosed... I love lifting.

  6. I HAVE been doing a shit ton of rowing as my warm up to lifting.
    1200+ in 5 minutes, but can't seem to get any fast per 500 meter split. Any way, I seemed to have injured my left bicep months ago doing pullups. It's just now feeling better where I can do direct pulling lifts w/o a lot of pain. I actually had it in both arms for a bit, but now just my left.


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