Monday, August 18, 2014



  1. This was very difficult. Four rounds as rx'd, then just about fell from the rope about two feet from the top in five. I rarely stop during a hero wod but I knew I couldn't do another climb. Clock was at about the 23 minute mark.

  2. Hardcore Justin, hardcore. We moved into my mother in law's so no ropes, no pullup bars for a few months. I cycled 2 1/2 hours yesterday so my legs were tired this AM... so even doing a few air squats during warmup was a burn. I did this one just with the barbell moves. I decided for no particular reason just to do 9 rounds of 9 OHS and 12 bench. Took 21 minutes.... had to scale the OHS to 95 lbs after 3 rounds because it was killing my shoulder... That's a nasty combo on the shoulders. Can't imagine throwing legless RC's from ass into the mix.


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