Saturday, December 6, 2014

20 minutes pull-ups squats DUs


  1. Butchered this one beyond recognition. As you guys know we don't have a pull-up bar over here so we substituted power cleans for the pull-ups. My knee is also really bothering me so instead of jump rope I did box step ups. 8 rounds and then through 16 back squats. Killer metcon

  2. Nice work Fletcher. I mixed this one up too. I did 45# OHS with a catch. I moved my hands one hand width narrower with each round. Holy shit narrow grip OHS is hard on this fat boy. The rest rx'd. 5 rounds + 4 CTB.

  3. Craig and I had a guest, my brother-in-law, and he did a fine job on this metcon. It was his first CrossFit workout.

    I was able to complete 7 rounds, the back squats slowed me down—I was concentrating on full depth on each rep. I also had a hard time getting my rhythm on the DUs.


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