Saturday, December 20, 2014

EMOM ring push-ups and front squats


  1. I have pictures of Max as a newborn in his crib with daddy working the barbell in the background (this is a form of babysitting). Well The Buds is now 6 and not much has changed. He's playing legos now. We are still at my mother in law's house but not for long.... 2-3 more weeks. So no bar as usual... you can see my subbed pushup configuration. Feet ankle to ankle on the box, hands on smaller squishy med balls to create that destabilizing effect of the rings.

    For front squats I scaled to 175.

    Pushups went 15 rounds + 11 reps. Got serious around round 12.

    Squats went 11 rounds + 8 reps. Got serious around round 9. First 9 rounds unbroken. Squats were a lot more strenuous and had me breathing really hard, heart pounding like an interval workout.

  2. Oh, and 10 days in, I am still not right... still recovering from that flu crap.

  3. and oh... I turned 43 yesterday. CrossFittin' all the while.

  4. Happy Birthday Fletcher! You must be feeling a little better to pr on Kelly. Nice work getting a PR just after you got a little older.


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