Saturday, December 13, 2014


1 comment:

  1. Boy oh boy. I had myself completely talked into skipping this hero workout and talking the dog for a walk when I made the mistake of turning on ESPN and I saw this E:60 story about a high school kid with cerebral palsy who literally had to crawl onto the mat to wrestle. He wrestled all four years with virtually no use of his legs and very limited use of his left arm. He lost over one hundred matches in a row and then won his second to last match of his career. Needless to say I can't watch something like that and hear that kid talking about how important it is to not quit and then just be a pussy and skip a workout cause it looks hard, especially not a hero workout. So I broke this down into a manageable 24 rounds, 14 run 400m 5 thruster 5 CTB and 10 run 400m 3 thruster and 3 CTB. The runs and pull-ups were not terrible, the thrusters were just brutal, but I did all the sets of thrusters unbroken...I am pretty sure it would have just crushed me to have to pick the bar up one extra time. As rx'd 1:31:20.


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