Friday, April 20, 2012

12 minutes of rope climbs and pushups


  1. What's up compadres? Did this today.
    1x4 hang clean and jerk 92 kg got 3 missed 1
    120kg jerk PR!!
    3x3 120kg clean pulls
    5x3+3 30" BJ 120kg back squat 1 minute rest
    THEN 8 minuts rope climps and pushups
    No feet full 15 foot climbs

    5 rounds + climb +11 pushups

    Ouch that was a bastard after oly day!

  2. Forgot to mention that I scaled it to 8 minutes casue I was late. Not sure I would have gotten very much more in the next two minutes my body was screaming at the push ups on this one.

  3. WOW this was way more taxing than I thought it would be. Imagine that. This is the CrossFit way.

    10 rounds in 12:03. RX'd.

    Learning to RC better... but man, if you are 2/3 of the way up and you run out of breath or power, that's just too bad... you have to find a way to git r done. Hard to bail from 11 feet in the air. Awesome.

    For rope, it's all about making a stirrup for your dominant foot, and going from as long to as short as you can make your body.


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