Thursday, April 19, 2012



  1. Dang, today looks like a riot, but this is my one day break from squats in a heavy week, so I will have to hit it later.
    Did shoulder press x5, 115,125,135,150,155x2

    Then did three rounds:
    run 400m
    Total time 12:51

    Good wod and my running is "slowly" coming back.

    I will hit the running fran soon.

  2. Did this but my wrist was SCREAMING from the weight on the thruster so I had to scale it back to 75 (which felt slightly better, at least tolerable). I haven't had tendonitis for 12 years but it's back. The mornings suck, and if I warm up enough it's fine for certain lifts. oh well, it usually indicates that I'm really hitting it hard. Everything else was RX'd
    TT: 13:35

  3. Did this as part of a double on Saturday morning.

    12 minutes of: rope climb (10 alternating grip close-grip PU's), 15 push-ups - 4 rounds

    Then running fran, TT = 18:07

    This was considerably harder than I thought it would be. I'm sure I lost a little bit of time going back and forth to the treadmill, but not that much. I was also working off a good hangover and hadn't eaten anything. So, I'm sure that didn't help at all either.


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