Thursday, April 5, 2012

Run 800, 10 rounds of K2E and Twinkies, Run 800

the twinkie move looks like a great move for my back... cheap way to do reverse hypers!


  1. 100 K2E? This one will leave a mark ; )

  2. Ok, not a bad little WOD. Never done the reverse leg lifts like that. Had to make a do it yourself station to do them but it worked. I wanted to do this under 20 minutes and just made it.
    TT 19:36

  3. Man I shouldn't have.. but I did this RX'd. I am not supposed to run like that. It gets old I know.. my knee, back and shoulder are all jacked.

    First 800M run 4:30
    Second run, 5:10. Totally slowed down cos' of sharp pains. had I subbed 1K row I would have done this 1:30 faster for sure and it would have winded me a lot more. I just can't run good.

    TT 18:42

  4. Hey guys. No WOD for me. I'm sick's been a tough year for me already with illness. I want to hit this one up when I can breathe. Funny compliment from the Doctor today though. He said "so I hear your a real badass" I said really? Who did you hear that from? " He said no one just kidding but I can tell you work out" Thank you CrossFit!! :) Anyway.. Good work guys, I'll hit this another day!

  5. Did this one last night. The twinkies were more difficult than I imagined. The lower back started to really tighten up on about the 6th round. Running was better than it has been for some time now.

    TT = 24:02

  6. I am going into an 8 week cycle of doing mostly the workouts from Catalysts Athletics. I will be focusing primarially on improving my oly lifting and strength in the front squat, overhead squat and the shoulder press.

    I will still be doing one or two mainsite wods a week, so I will be posting. I will let you know how it works out for me.

  7. First full WOD in a while. I took a month off to train for a 15k. I tried a WOD with HSPU, Ring Dips and Pushups a little after the race and couldn't finish the second round. I worked on body weight stuff till now.
    As RX'd 26:12
    I now remember how much CrossFit sucks... in a good way. Oh well, I can only improve.


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