Thursday, April 3, 2014

20 Min AMRAP 10 strict HSPU, 20 strict pullups, 30 alternating jump lunges


  1. Did HSPUs to Ambat (always will) and did pullups "super strict" where I didn't allow any bending at the hips or knees.... legs hung dead straight and arms fully locked. Failed many of these in the last two rounds.

    Got 4 rounds and through 11 pullups in 20, finished round 5 out in 22:03

    Jason got 4 rounds and through 7 pullups in 20, finished round 5 out in 23:06.

    Freaking rookie is catching up to me! I got 60 lbs on him though, so these body weight WODs are tough.

  2. Fletcher, I think you will like my sub for this wod.

    50: 20# weighted vest, super strict push up, super strict pull up, burpee/pullups. Use a 45 and 35 pound plates stacked to create deficiet push ups with the vest. Perform for form over time but don't stand around with your thumb up your ass. Total time 12:59. Total pain, everywhere but the plates did make the burpee jump easier.

  3. Interesting... but why did you sub?

  4. Becasue my HSPs are pathetic right now and I thought some pressing work with the vest might help.


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