Tuesday, April 15, 2014



  1. This was a great workout. My run is a little more than a mile so I went with a 10 min/12 min/14 min breakdown. It crushed me, especially when I said to my self just fuckin Nuke it for the last 200m of the last run. Sprinted it out hard and finished run three 25 seconds faster than run 2.

    6 DL/2 Power Cleans @225/7 135# OHS

    Runs were all between approximately 9:35/10:10/9:38

    It took a full minute to compose myself to get the first OHS into place and then I missed it right when I got to the bottom.

  2. Good Lord this workout was awesome in power and mental fortitude. I did 2000M rows... three of those bastards... in one WOD. That's a first. Rows went 7:35, 7:42, and 7:55 (the last one under 8 minutes took all I had)

    I scaled the weight of course... 215/165/105

    went 5, 11, and 30.

    I allowed 30 seconds between rounds to switch weights because I used a single bar (had Jason here with me)...

    Justin, again... you are the man doing this RX'd AND adding time so you can do even MORE work and run further. Bad ass.

    Jason went 195/135/75 and got 1/?/ and 5 @ 95 then 20 @ 75.

    Chris, have the most fun possible, and do 3 2K rows. Or don't. Probably should not.

  3. I decided against the 3 2K rows and went with runs. I can't run a 8 minute mile so I kind of did what Justin did, but scaled the weight for my shoulders sake. I also went light on the deads because I haven't went heavy with them in a long time.

    Run 1: 9:13 -->15 255# Deadlifts
    Run 2: 9:38 -->11 165# Power Cleans
    Run 3: 9:30 --> 30 105# OHS

    This was a tough one for sure.

  4. Sorry I forgot to mention I did the 10/12/14 minute break down


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