Thursday, April 10, 2014


FOR TIME 30-20-10

Body Weight Back Squats
Body Weight Bench Press
Strict Pull-ups


  1. Did this with strict ring dips cause no bench. Weight 203 so used 205 for squats. Only rules were super strict form on pull-ups and dips and not allowed to set the weight down on squats. Brutal workout had to dig deep just about fainted after the first set of squats. 27:02.

  2. This was hardcore, and I scaled it a lot. I am weighing 225 now (I like beer). Squats were 175, bench was 155. dead hang pullups really slowed me down. TT 21:59. Nice job using your body weight, JTS. I didn't want to get hurt.

  3. I did this the other day with 165 for both squats and bench. It was amazing how hard this WOD turned out to be.

    Hats off to you Justin for doing this with your body weight. Damn impressive.

    TT: 22:38


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