Thursday, June 26, 2014

Back Squat, Push-press, Dead Lift Ladder

Body-weight back-squat ladder
3/4 body-weight push-press ladder
1 1/2 body-weight deadlift ladder
For the ladder pattern, perform one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute, three reps the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.


  1. I weigh 150, so my weights were 225 for the DL, 115 for the PP and 135 instead of 150 for the BS.

    BS 7minutes and 3 squats
    PP 6 minutes and 5 PPs
    DL 6 minutes and 6 DLs

    My squats went the furthest, but it was also scaled in weight, so I guess no surprise there. It would have been way worse if it was body weight. I am working on it though.

  2. Floated Lower Mesa Falls on the Henry's Fork on Saturday. It involves dragging a raft about 1000 very steep vertical feet at high speed just to get to the put in. It was a great float, but I think I got really dehydrated. Then Sunday morning I tried to do the 10x100m sprint and I got a high hamstring pull just warming up, so instead of resting I threw a childish fit (ironically the childish fit was about being so old and lacking recovery) and pr'd up the local hill. Needless to say I was totally fucked up bad Monday and Tuesday, but I have been improving and today I felt I could go and do a slow heavy day.

    Yesterday I completed 1 month without any alcoholic drink of any kind, so I celebrated in moderation with a couple of tasty IPAs. Weighed in at 198 this morning, so that felt good. Used 205# for the squats, 150# for the push press and #305 for the DLs.
    Squats 9 and 1... I had time but I just could not stomach the thought of another squat!
    Push Press 7 and 3, those got heavy in a hurry.
    DL I completed 5 rounds and just called it good. Saw only potential hamstring re-aggravation in continuing onward.

  3. Justin.... nice work on all accounts. No alcohol for a month.. was that hard? Did you have to fight the urge early on? Something I could stand to do.

    I only did the BS ladder so far, have to take mom to airport.

    Did 185 lbs, got through round 13+11 reps.

    Started getting interesting in 11 round. started 12 round with 45 seconds to go, started 13 round with 40, started 14 round with 30 seconds to go. I gassed out.

  4. There is a difference between being hurt and being injured. With my forearm/bicep thing (a reinjury from last year) I am finding more recovery from working through it than laying off of it. Something to think about, depending on how bad you've tweaked yourself.

    For the press ladder I did only 100 lbs and did strict press through round 7, then switched to PP in round 8 and got to 13+12 reps.

    For the deads I took it easy and only used 165 and only went through 10 rounds (minutes). Taking the bike to work today in the car, ride home, then ride it back tomorrow.

  5. It wasn't too bad. First week was weird and then there were a few really warm days where a beer sounded oh so good, but it definitely was not terrible by any means.

    I love beer, but it is a shit load of carbs, especially if you are having it everyday like I used too.


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