Saturday, August 22, 2015

10 Min AMRAP 10 115#SHP/Bar over Burpees


  1. This is a good work out. 5 rounds +10SHP + 4 Bar over burpees as rx'd.

  2. Damn dude you whipped my ass. I am still not back from being sick but that's no excuse for getting whipped that bad. 4 rounds + 10 SDHP + 3 burpees. RX'd. Was doing two feet planted on the ground jumps... so tried to be as pure as possible. Rested 5 and then did the other 10 minute AMRAP....

  3. Only used 85 lbs to try and not inflame my back. 6 rds on Sumo's, 5 complete rounds on burpees

  4. This was a good one guys. the post WOD ride I did killed me again. Ill be going down early tonight.


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