Monday, August 3, 2015

Three burpee ladders


  1. This was a creative and fun workout. Did the back squats RXd, subbed 100 lb barbell curls for the presses (shoulder says no), and scaled DLs to 215.

    Given that, it went like this:

    burpee/back squat ladder: 7 rounds + 8 burpees/2 BS
    burpee/curl ladder: 7 rounds + 8 burpees/6 curls
    burpee/DL ladder: 7 rounds + 1 deadlift (I was hurting)

    Once you get to the 8th minute you are spanked from the 7th minute and hardly have time to finish the burpees. Unless you do burpees like Jason does. He'll do good on this one!

  2. Dang, I wish I would have seen Fletcher's post from yesterday before I did this one, that was good stuff. My press was shot from ring dips but I still did my best. As rx'd:
    BP/S 7 rounds + 8 +2
    BP/P 4 rounds + 5 +1
    BP/D 6 rounds + 7 + 2


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