Saturday, August 8, 2015



  1. Squats just killed me on this one after the last two cyles of WODs, but somehow I managed to get a PR on this one. 4 rounds + 800m + 10 squats as rx'd. Runs might have been a hair long 830 to 850ish.

  2. Nicely done sir. I will need to do 1K rows instead of 800M as last time.

  3. This was an A$$ grinder today. Subbed 1000m row for the run. 80 Air squats, 16 Chest to Bar and 16 Ring dips.
    Completed 4 rounds. had 42 seconds left, couldn't bring myself to get back on the row machine. The Rows broke me down today.

  4. Rode bike 3 hours yesterday to and from work, so this AM did a core workout with a little rowing and some gay boy 100 lb barbell curls (6 sets of 10). 75 GHDs, 100 BEs... whilist doing some yardwork and waiting for the rest of the family to get out of bed. Tomorrow I shall do this sucker.

  5. Did it like this: Row 1K, 80 squats, 16 ring dips, 16 pullups (8 MUs would be harder I bet)

    4 rounds + 1K Row + 80 squats + 1 pullup (had 3 seconds left.. RAN over and knocked one out!)


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