Monday, August 31, 2015

Chipper Fun: 50 Lunges, 40 sit-ups, 30 KBS 52#, 20 Push Press 95#, 10 K2E, 20 Thrusters 95#, 30 Goblet Squats 52# KB, 40 Push-ups and 50 Air Squats


  1. I know, very long description.

    There were 5 total guys doing this. Actually the WOD went much faster then I thought it would. But holy crap it has made me more sore than any WOD has in a long time.

    TT 13:52

  2. Oh man, I'm not joking. My legs are so sore. And, due to the number of guys whoever didn't start with Lunges ended up doing 50 air squats straight to 50 lunges.

  3. Dude, you don't have to tell everyone. #shush


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