Friday, May 18, 2012

50-40-30-20-10 Fun-ness


  1. Finally made it to Friday with the last of the early wake-ups. This one ran a little long for me, so I was a bit late leaving for work. But...who cares, it's Friday.

    TT = 33:27

    Made the first set of DU's almost unbroken until 42. PU's and HSPU's started off slow but got better over the course of the workout. DU's got worse. Subbed 45# cleans for 20# med-ball cleans - ended up being a lot tougher than I thought it would be. All in all, a good week. Have a good weekend.

  2. 35:26 HSPs took me forever, but everyone was a strict head toucher.

    Did hang muscle snatch to warm up, hit 145 missed 155.

  3. 24:38... subbed 20 DEEP ring pushups for the HSPUs. my shoulder has been messed up for a while now. I can't even throw a light football toss without sharp pain, HSPU's are a non-thought. I pushed very hard on this WOD... (of course)... but I mean to the point where I thought I was going to pass out and I feel all messed up. I like that feeling sometimes, oddly enough. Just see how hard you can push your body. My mind is stupid... it just says "go faster, don't worry about how awful you feel".... It's been fun watching the games online from time to time. Those guys are freaks. Justin you are strong. Chris glad to see you around man. Mike I like the consistency lately! Keep fighting the good fight boys.

  4. PS - I can't explain why thumbs to armpits ring pushups only hurt my shoulder a small bit, while HSPUs kill it. It's weird...


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