Monday, May 14, 2012

Jag 28


  1. Had 5 rugby players over this morning... had to switch off on the C and J's with the team captain Jesus (Hay-Zoos, not the Lord :-) so I got 23:48, rowed 800M for runs. Also had to switch on the bar a little bit on the strict pullups. I think I could have shaved 1-2 minutes if I had full gear access but it was well worth it to train these guys. Next fastest time was Jesus at 29:09 so these youngsters have some work to do and they know it. Oh, I swung a 70 lb dumbbell cos I gave the ol' 2 pooder to the fire department. Wish I didn't do that now... oh well.

  2. Oh.. did 135 lb clean and jerks... don't have two 2 pood KB's but forgot to mention that sub! I don't know if I could do those dual KB C and J's... that is sick!

  3. Man this WOD destroyed me. I subbed 135# C & J' as well. Everything else RX'd.

    TT: 25:32

    Tough one

  4. I agree with Chris. Also did the same C&J sub as Fletch and Chris. Even with a sub, this WOD was a tough one.

    TT = 32:17

    The last 800m run was pretty ugly.


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