Tuesday, May 22, 2012



  1. Did weighted pullup singles during warmup and got me a PR at 120 lbs!!

    Then Helen with 500M rows @ 11:24. Boom. Pullups were what slowed me down... all KBS unbroken, pullups last two rounds went something like 6/3/3/ and 4/4/4

  2. I hit Cindy this am. 14 5-10-8 Going to a dyna max takes some time. I really didn't rest a ton but I obviously didnt move real fast either!

  3. Nice little WOD today. I thougt I could do this a little faster but each run was slower, 7.5, 7, 6.5 MPH on the tread'. KBS were also unbroken, but pullups... I was gassed by the 2nd and 3rd rounds. 6-3-3, 3-3-3-3. That cost me a decent time.
    TT 12:54

  4. In the famous words of Chumbawamba:

    "I get knocked down
    But I get up again
    You're never going to keep me down"

    It's been a tough year for me health wise. I came down with the stomach over the weekend and I'm just getting over it. Nothing like losing a quick 7lbs.

    I've lost my wind, plain and simple. I will get it back though.

    Great WOD, pullups got me as well.

    TT: 12:15

  5. I'm still a day behind, but still waking up and making it to the gym before work. So, that's a good thing. Lower back just did not want to loosen up this morning, so I was a bit stiff until about the middle of the second round.

    TT = 16:57

    I think doing hand-release pull-ups is really slowing me down. Wish the Y had a better pull-up bar that didn't tear my hands up.


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