Wednesday, June 4, 2014

SealFIT, Day 2


  1. Pretty much just me and Justin lately... oh well....

    Still messing with this SealFIT stuff today, not a lot different than CrossFit, except more work. Same stuff though.

    Warm up WOD was 2 rounds 20 KB snatch at 55 lbs and 20 "dive bomber" pushups (Those were tough), I only did 10 snatches though cos my left arm is hosed.

    Then did Front Squat 5's... Worked my way up to 215 and shut it down because of the back, but had plenty in the tank for heavier. Jason got 185x4 on 4th set, but then gutted out 5 reps on 5th set. Sweet.

    Then we did a 2K Tabata row. Nastiness. Never done that. The 10 second rests were full stops, not just slow downs... TT 8:41.4 and Jason 9:05.4.

    Good WOD day!!

  2. Damn that sounds like a lot of volume Fletcher. Nice work hitting it hard.


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