Wednesday, July 2, 2014

(10rd) 5pu/5pu (5rd) 10ghd/10be (2rd) 25wb/25bj


  1. This was a good wod. I didn't really do a good job of keeping time. Did chest to bar pull-ups and I think I will be feeling those tomorrow. Was right at the twenty minute mark when I finished. Rested about a minute between different couplets.

  2. Fun WODs. I tried a couple of pullups for the first time in about 6 weeks and hit really gave me a zinger, so I did 5 deadlifts @ 165 for the pullups. I think these WODs were designed for a sub 5 time for the average Joe.

    1: 4:50 (DLs slowed me)
    2: 4:42
    3: 4:23

    All sets unbroken. Rested about 3 minutes in between while setting up.... and drinking a bit o' water. Happy 4th fellas.


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