Tuesday, September 22, 2015

1Mile Run-100 Situps-100Back Extensions-1 Mile Run

For time:
Run 1 mile
100 sit-ups
100 back extensions
Run 1 mile
Mix and match back extensions and sit-ups as needed.


  1. I subbed 2k rows for the mile runs. I broke the Sit ups and the back extensions into groups of 25. TT was 26:55

  2. I ran 1.1 miles (!!) , 100 sit-ups, 100 BEs, and 1.1 miles. TT29:30.

    Re the mileage, I thought my first mile was at a good pace but the clock read 8:40 and I was like WTF? Upon measuring the course, turns out that the 1/2 mile mark s/b the alley between Clayton and Elizabeth. Just like coach Fletcher to make me run further than I needed to.

  3. OK, so exactly where is the 1/2 mile out and back marker again?

  4. 22:11 with 2K rows. Did the first 55 BEs unbroken, which literally caused my back to go numb... then did 100 situps unbroken, then went like 25/10/10 or something like that on last BEs... . Crusher! Last 1K of rowing was demoralizing.


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