Saturday, September 12, 2015

Clean and Jerk 20 minute AMRAP ladder


  1. I met with a PT today (finally) and she strongly believes I have a torn labrum in my shoulder. remember, the root cause was heavy OHS 4 months or so ago. Felt fine at the time, but in the days after things got weird.. and still are. Take heed, old fellars.

    So, nothing overhead... still... so I went like this:
    15 power cleans @ 75 lbs
    rest 1 minute
    15 power cleans @ 95 lbs
    rest 1 minute
    15 power cleans @ 115 lbs
    rest 1 minute
    15 power cleans @ 135 lbs
    rest 1 minute
    15 power cleans @ 155 lbs
    rest 1 minute
    Then went back down the ladder, 135, 115, 95, 75...
    Got down with the round of 75s (unbroken, like the 95s, which, by then, was awful) in 19:11. One more minute of rest put me over the 20 minute cap anyway. then had a very active day after that. Great day!

  2. Did this C&J 135x15, 155x15, 185x15 then went to 205 and did two reps. I quit with 2 minutes left because I was done.

  3. C&J same day as Fletcher.
    65, 85, 105, 105, 105, 85, 65 7 total rounds. Justin, you are an ANIMAL getting up in the 185/205 range. Well done!


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