Friday, September 28, 2012



  1. Fletcher, yes I used a 20# ball throughout and yes I am still in dibilitating pain from that and yes it even really really hurt today when I attmepting the handstand walks.

    Did two rounds of this and called it good. Got lots of handstand practice in but still cannot figure out how to take more that 2 to 3 "steps" before falling over.

  2. Dude you overdid it on the weighted GHDs then. Did you do that on purpose or just misread the WOD?

  3. Probably why they specified 10# ball.... they tried it with 20#'s and got all jacked up for days and went "that's a little too much"

  4. Yes, but I am not spending a $110 for a ten pound ball to do one work out a year. I'd rather just be sore for a week.

  5. Right on man, I like it. We have a 10 pounder that's more like a basketball that the women use, so I'll be RX'ing this one, my wife has a 12# Dynamax too, not sure which I'll use.

  6. OK I did this one but subbed 20 reps of presses with 35 lb dumbbells for the HS Walks. Did 3 rounds and did it in 19:48. Way harder than it sounded. Kicked my butt in good. Was really wasted after.


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