Saturday, September 22, 2012

GHD Wall ball and 2-fer-1 Wallballs


  1. Did the same sub as before. 2 5# dumbbells, full GHD's and I simulated the throw. Wall balls as RX'd, pretty tough to time the catch.

    TT: 7:24

  2. I used a twenty pound ball throughout. There is much less smoke today so I felt a little better. 9:01PR. It was a big pr but you have to factor in the last time I did it was the day after Murph.

  3. Hey guys I put a couple of pics of my setup for this from my phone... hope you can see them. You guys beat my ass. I did it RX'd in 8:34. I did stretch all the way out and touch the ball to the ground with each rep, tried not to "cheat" by dropping the ball down in a straight line if you know what I mean... I held the ball straight out with elbows locked for full ROM throughout. 2 Fer 1's were a bitch... I got slammed by the ball multiple times and had to do 3-4 reps over cos I couldn't get up for the 2 fer! Big ass birthday party today for both kids (their birthdays are 10/9 and 10/10). 40 people will converge upon us soon.... got the pool all clean, backyard all manicured, we are ready to go. Beer. Headed to San Fran tomorrow for 5 days, will be doing hotel WODs.


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