Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Descending rowing and wall balls


  1. Did this RX'd at 14:05. Gasser! I like having the rope chute so I can do true 10'+ WBs.

  2. Welcome to Justin's and my world Craig. Big difference between 9' and 10' huh?

    Decided after 4 or 5 days in a row, my body needed a break. Maybe I'll hit this one tomorrow, but really need a rower. Hate SDHP's but it is what it is. Nice time Craig.

  3. I've always had the opportunity to do them off the side of the house but I didn't do that in the snow and rain and super cold. Now I can always do them that way.

    Today I did AMRAP 95 lb thrusters for 4 minutes, got 55 done, not too impressive.

    Then I did 4 rounds of 25 GHDs and 7 reps each arm of 50 lb curls just to be gay. Whatever, so kill me.

  4. I was all kinds of out of whack from back to back 8 hour driving days. I did this slow at 16:43.

    I tried the 100 thrusters this am and it just sucked ass. I quit at 45 at the 3:50 mark. Funny, how different it is pyscologically compared to Fran. Also, hell will freeze over before I do a sub 5 minute fran and then do another 55 thrusters in less than 15 minutes afterwards.

    There is a huge fire right near town and it is having serious impact on my ability to breathe.

  5. Rowed RX'd, WBs 15# ball and 8ft target.
    TT 20:03

    I just got my rower a couple of weeks ago. What level do you keep the pace? For most of these I tried to keep it between 1:50 and 2:00 /500m and for the last 100m ~1:46 /500m.

  6. Hey Dave that's great you have the rower. I usually have the damper on about 5... and the pace is whatever you can handle dude! For this WOD I was around 1:50 usually.


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