Saturday, September 1, 2012


Seven rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
135 pound Back squat, 29 reps


  1. I can assure you this won't be Rx'd. 203 BS @135. Not so much.

  2. Chris and Fletcher: Please read this before you presume that you are unable to perform this wod as rx'd.

    I would politely suggest that the only way to do this is to finish as rx'd or go rx'd until you cramp up and are unable to move. Both of you can easily squat 135#s. Of course if after you read about Mr. Manion's life you still choose to scale, that is your choice.

    As rx'd to dynamax with narrow stance ankles touching ball to start squat.

    40:53. I did a lot of calf stretching during the rest to avoid wod ending cramps.

  3. I did scale this. I tried 135 and couldn't even do 10 in a row. When we did the WOD of 25 lunges I used 55#s. So I figure I would try 85 for this WOD. Ended up breaking the up into set of 10, 10, and 9. I was also hoping for under 60 minutes.
    TT 58:30

    On a side note, I hope they have a set that uses a rower so I can now use my new Concept 2 model D.

  4. Wow Justin, you inspired me to go beyond what I thought I could do. Not sure if I am grateful or not. I can seriously (not exaggerating) barely walk right now.

    Did the BS's RX'd, for the runs I alternated between 500M row and 400M run. The rowing does you no favors, guys. Totally fair and legit sub. I did that because running really makes my knee swell up if I do too much of it.

    TT 36:56

    I am really hurting. Going to stretch all day long. The real test is following Justin's lead again. Can you WOD the day after?

    PS - I was gone the last three days, that's why I've been quiet.

  5. Brutal WOD. Last 3 rounds were painful, but I did it RX'd. Thanks for lighting a fire under my ass Justin. It kept me going throughout the WOD.

    TT: 38:27

    I have a feeling tomorrow isn't going to be pretty.

  6. Guys, were you having a hard time walking around right after this one? I was. The last 2 rounds or so were very hard. I am already feeling sore and it's been like 7 hours. That is not normal for me. I'm a little worried about the next two days!

    Chris, good job going RX'd though. We're all crazy.

  7. Craig my legs feel like jello right now. Walking up stairs is a challenge. Hope the rhabdo stays away!!

    Justin how is day 1 & 2 after this WOD? You still sore as hell or what?

  8. Day one is doable day two involves conscience pain walking down stairs and requires hands on counter assistance to ease into position to poop. Nice times I thought I did good until I saw yours.

  9. My legs are totally fucked!!! This is silly

  10. I feel your pain. No pun intended. Legs are getting progressively worse. Justin day 3 better?


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