Thursday, September 6, 2012



  1. Chris and Fletcher, I am still sore today, but I did roll out on the "Rumble Roller" last night and it seemed to help.

    I spent the last two days doing a ton of driving and in court, but I really blame my slow time today on the fact that I just went way way too fast on the first run and spent all of round two trying not to quit and puke and/or puke and quit.

    10:49 as rx'd.

  2. Did my with swings with 25#s. I need to get some heavier kettlebells.

    TT 12:39

    Manion destroyed me. I don't see how this workout helped me. I could not work out for 4 days. I did do some light rowing and some jogging by day 3.

  3. Manion still has me walking funny, but I think it's OK to shock the crap out of your body once in a while. Today I'll do Helen in the afternoon, I was in the office before 7 today, had to hammer some stuff out.

    I think it might be fun to do 5 rounds of Helen.

  4. OK I won't do Helen. Just warming up... my inner thighs/hamstrings hurt SO BAD when I was doing air squats... and I did THREE of them. My left hammy tore or something, it's been aching so bad today too, I've been limping around all day. I think I actually injured my legs doing Manion. I will not do that again all 7 rounds. Next time it comes up I'll do 5. This is stupid.

  5. did this today... and I'll do Manion next week. I know I'll be as sore as everyone and I had to plan that one out.
    Man.. I didn't do well on this like I thought I would. Running sucked for me.
    As RX'd

  6. I have to take an extra day as well. Still sore as hell

  7. Justin that is a damn impressive time you posted. I was nowhere near that. Legs are finally getting back to normal, but my runs were very slow today.

    As RX'd: 11:46

  8. Justin damn! I suck at running, we all know that. In the past I have subbed 400M rows, not 500M because of the extra strain the rowing puts on your forearms, making the KBS and pullups all the worse. Today I did it in a way I haven't done before. I did all RX'd except middle round I rowed 500M to take some of the pounding off of the knees. The problem is that rowing makes the other stuff kill. So maybe I'll just start doing it like this. TT 11:10.

    PS - we bought one of those rolling measurer things and measured 200, 400, and 800 TWICE to ensure accuracy. Not sure if you guys have ever done that but it's good to know we are on the money with our distances.

    Notice how no one did 100 thrusters two days after Manion. Who could do that?

  9. Bought one of those things when we had our house built. Use it all the time with the WODs


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