Tuesday, November 6, 2012

5 RFT 155 lb PC and J's, and 1 legless rope climb


  1. I looked at this and thought "MAYBE I can do that RX'd, let's go find out!" And I did. And I am stoked about it. 21:06.

    Did split jerks most of the time to save the shoulders for the legless RC's. I have only done legless RC's to 15 feet like twice ever. They are hard for me, but I was screaming and yelling and gutting it out.

    There was plenty of standing around staring at the barbell and rope too... I just wanted to do it RX'd.

  2. Nice work on the as rx'd Fletcher! I have been flying around and traveling, so out of sinc and missing wods. Did do 100 burpees for time yesterday morning and hit a PR with 9:15, so happy about that. PRs don't normally happen while traveling.

    I will hit this tommorow with a nice number to shoot for by Fletcher.

  3. I did this with my ass to 9' ceiling climbs two(2) per round, which I measured is 4'6" from the top of my reach to my touch point, for a total climb of 9'. If I jump onto a 15' rope and grab on at 8'6" to 9' then I have 6'6" to 6' to climb, so I think my sub is fair.

    Fletcher, my plan worked. Go like hell for the first two and then just try not to quit:
    2:13/3:31/4:11/4:21/4:17 tt=18:35

    Nice number you put out there first Fletcher.

  4. Dang you beat me by 1:31 but I expected that. You are STRONG and those PC&Js were a bitch. Nice work...


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