Monday, November 19, 2012

"Cinylicious" or Run Cindy Run!


  1. Wow that is a gasser. Did it with 500m row subs. I never really stopped moving and I wasn't even close to getting 4 rounds. My first round was 5:05 and I rowed a 1:53 split and never quit moving on the body weight stuff. Rowing transition is just slower than running transition. 3rds+500m+2PU This one was fun. Pullups were all unbroken but butterfly kip went away in round two thanks to the rowing I think.

  2. Justin you learned to Butterfly? I never did... I would like to, just haven't applied myself. Rowing transitions do indeed slow you down. I look forward to doing this tomorrow. I did a WOD yesterday... forgot to post it! Went to the Bronco game yesterday - what a blast!

    Getting 4 rounds on this would be tough with rowing... have to go under 3 minutes each time witht the Cindy parts and a 1:50 on rower to account for transitions. I think that is too much to ask for 20 minutes.

  3. Glad I watched the WOD video or I would of only done 1 round of Cindy betwenn the runs. Only made 3 rounds and 10M. My son,4yo, joined me in the second round for the PU, squats and runs. I was winded anyways so I didn't mind.

  4. This was a gasser indeed. I got 3 Rounds and 200m. Runs were tough with this damn cold that doesn't want to go away. Over 2 weeks now. Good WOD

  5. Damn... my buddy Mike pushed me today. Anything with running he kicks ass at. I did 500M rows, but he always came back from the runs before I got done with my rows. It is good to have buddies push you. I went beyond what I would have without it.

    4 rounds + 384M rowing.


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