Thursday, November 8, 2012

HPU's,BE's,KE's,Deadlift, 40 pound db push press, KB swings, Row 20 calories 10 Muscle-ups


  1. Ok, this is one of those WOD's where you pick your battle on what you can slam through and what you need to do w/careful form. DL's are that for me.
    I scaled DL's to 135# since I'm not too sure I can do more than that @30 reps w/o injury. Also I subbed MU's w/100 body dips. I still can't do pullups so that had to do and it was quite painful actually.
    Everything else as RX'd

  2. I wasn't paying attention... totally missed the DB PP's. Had to Fletcherize too.

    75 pushups instead of HSPUs
    DLs scaled to 205 (much harder to do 30 than I thought!)
    MU's subbed 7 rounds of 3 dead hang pullups and 3 ring dips

    And again.... I totally missed the DB PPs!!

    TT 16:06

    Whatever. Have a good weekend dudes


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