Thursday, November 1, 2012

10 rds 3xDL 1 Back Tuck for Time and Load


  1. I did this with a little bit of west side and a little bit of fat boy trying to lose a couple of pounds flavor.

    Row 1k, then 10 rds of 255# sumo deadlift x 3 for speed under the bar with a skin the cat back flip sub, Row 1k

    Row 1k 3:57
    10 rds 6:38
    Row 1k 3:46
    Total time with transitions 15:00

    I feel pretty confident I can do a back flip, based on the ones I've done at the pool but on a concrete floor at at 6:30a.m. at 35 degrees is no place to confirm that hunch.

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  3. Lets' try that again. This time with a complete sentence.

    I did 225 for DL's and reverse somersaults starting from the standing position. Not quite a skin the cat sub, but my ring setup doesn't allow for me to flip my body completely around.

    Also did 10 situps in between rounds.

    TT: 8:07

  4. I did a vaginal version of this, but right after I did today's WOD. 185 lb DLs (felt like nothing, but back is bugging me)... well, I did do the "skin the cats" in a tough way. Did a flip all the way around til feet were hanging straight down, then flipped back around and dropped. That actually got tough to hang on in later rounds.

    TT 5:27... .no on to row/burpee/run


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