Tuesday, October 30, 2012



  1. Well I got me a rowing 500m PR on this nasty girl at 31:18, so almost a minute thirty better. Fletcher, you are like superman for doing the wall balls unbroken, they kill me.

  2. Yesterday.... the next day after doing that killer two rounder, I was invited by one of my vendors to go to this pro boxer guys' gym for a two hour BUTT KICKING workout. We did about 45 minutes worth of intense interval training nonstop (a la CrossFit) and I was happy that I am a CrossFitter, I was outpacing the other 3 guys for sure and doing full ROM when they looked like they were near death. THEN we did boxing training at high speed and intensity for OVER AN HOUR. I was SPANKED! This guy DaVarryl Williamson has won many professional boxing title belts as a heavyweight.... it was freaking awesome and brutal. Very very cool day. I am spanked!!!

  3. http://www.tosboxing.com/tosboxing/Home.html

  4. As Rx'd 27:15

    Tough one on the legs.

  5. Check this out. HQ put the video of my home gym on their Facebook page and YouTube channel. Although after I sent it over to them (months ago) I asked them not to post it because I was going to do a new one since we added stuff. But anyway, here is the URL:


  6. Very cool video Craig. I love the new setup. Maybe someday I'll actually be back out in Denver and I can try those 15 ft rope climbs out.

  7. Wanted to quit during this WOD about 1/2 dozen times. Sometimes life gets ya down a bit and getting through these workouts becomes more of a mind trick. I kept lokking at each set as a small goal until.. BOOM... done!! The fact I finished made me feel a whole lot better. Fricken box jumps were a BITCH!


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