Monday, October 8, 2012



  1. Still not feeling great. Looked at this one and thought "19 minutes" but it took 21:00 all RX'd.

    I was really slow... especially on the rope climbs, those took me way too long, and the LPUs. I burned my shin pretty good with the rope, forgot to put on long socks. So my skin burns and I'm bloody. Whatever! See ya guys.

    Oh, in case you missed this WOD, it was:

    For time:
    100 ft Walking lunge
    50 Push-ups
    50 Double-unders
    25 Knees to elbows
    5 Rope climb, 15 ft
    50 Box jump, 24 inch box
    25 Overhead squats, 65 pounds
    25 L-pull-ups
    50 Sit-ups

  2. Whoa.. this was a helluva WOD!!
    I subbed 50 tuck jumps for DU's
    25 Rope pullups for rope climbs
    I ended up doing 50 KE's because my right lat is still jacked up and I couldn't do L Pulls effectively, so I just subbed on the fly.
    My lower back and ass are fried. Have fun!

  3. I was sore for days after this one.


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