Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sott's Press/HSP Walk/L-Sit/HSP Walk


  1. This was humbling to say the least. I did the wuss sub against the wall for the HSP walks. I also added 500m rows to start each round. Funny who heavy that 45# bar gets on the sotts. I didn't do this for time really just my best form and effort. It was fun but embarresingly difficult, like spelling without spell check on the blog.

  2. Holy shit this WOD was hard. Sott's got hard in the second round. I subbed 30 Shoulder touchs against the wall for each set of HSP walks and L-Sit were not even close to perfect. My shoulders are smoked.

    TT: 16:47


  3. Way to be consistent Justin. Today was the first day I felt normal in a long time. Wanted to do a hero WOD but didn't have time. So I went back and did the 3 rounds of GHD BP, BE, and run.. posting there

  4. Hey dudes I came back and made this up. Shoulder killer! I subbed 1 minute accumulative handstand holds for the walks. I like to use dumbbells on handstand holds so my wrists don't get tweaked... especially when you are talking SIX FREAKING MINUTES of that stuff. Man that smoked my shoulders.

    TT 19:40

    Fun Wod.


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