Friday, October 12, 2012



For time:

135 pound Clean and jerk, 30 reps

Run 1 mile

15 foot Rope climb, 10 ascents

Run 1 mile

100 Burpees


  1. I tried to pace the opening Grace so I wouldn't end my work out before it started. I did in 4:25, but I never could recover. It was all about just grinding it out to the finish. Runs were 1.2 miles and climbs were legless ass on the floor start to 9' ceiling touch.

  2. NICE WORK BRO. Damn, that one is insane. I am still not back to normal, but did a WOD yesterday and today. TOday was quite sore from yesterday's row/BP WOD, today I did the 3 rounds of walking lunges, hand stands, and 50 KBS, posting over there.


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