Saturday, October 27, 2012

Split Jerk Alternaing Leg 10x2


  1. I did this alternating up through 235#s at which time my brain could not convince myself to lead with my right leg, so I switched to singles with the left leg leading and I got me a single rep PR!! I was suprised because I have not done anything besides the mainsite with some extra rowing for months. Pretty sweet. Gotta to love the crazy results from following the mainsite. Also, I added 500m rows between every other set to assist with my continuing battle of the bulge. I seemed to have stopped the gaining at 215 and now am slowly reducing.

    155x2/170x2/185x2/195x2/205x2/215x2/225x2/235x1/245x1/255x1/265x1/275 miss twice then got it!

    You guys will laugh your ass off but I had some Katy Perry "I kissed a girl" going for PR music and it didn't work, so I switched to Joan Jett and still no go but then I reached all the way back to the sixth grade vault and pulled out some Beasties with "No Sleep til Brooklin" and got it done. For me having the right tunes going makes a huge difference on single rep PR attempts. It is embarrasing, but Katy just happens to work good for me a lot of the time.

  2. Justin LOL! I know what you mean dude. I have all sorts of silly stuff like that on my workout mix (I have a bunch of WOD songs). I'd like to blame the girly songs on my wife. What's your excuse? :-)

    Oh, and you are one strong sumbitch.

    I went back and did the one with Sott's presses and posted there. I am going to the Bronco game tomorrow vs. the Saints, that will be a fun one. Can't wait. See ya fellars.

    Someday.... sooooomeday, we'll all get together.

  3. let's go to the games next summer. They serve beer so we should be OK.

  4. Justin you are a strong ass dude. Very impressive sure. Funny on the music selection, but hey whatever works. I have quite the variety I listened to as well.

    Much lighter loads for me


    Couldn't get 190 twice in a row. My shoulders and my confidence both said no more.

  5. I meant very impressive SIR, but you got the point! DAMN DUDE!


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