Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rows and Body Weight Bench Press

For time:
Row 500 meters
Body weight Bench press, 30 reps
Row 1000 meters
Body weight Bench press, 20 reps
Row 2000 meters
Body weight Bench press, 10 reps


  1. Rx'd 150#s for bench press.

    TT 34:36.96

  2. Not sure what I'll sub for rows, maybe runs. Last time I did this many SDHP's, last week, I was crippled. And I certainly won't be doing my body weight for bench press. No torn rotator cuff for me thank you very little.

    Either way I'll do this one way or another

  3. I subbed ring dips with a 20# vest. I am not sure if that is a fair sub or not as I have not benched in a couple of years, that I can remember at least. Rows went 1:43/3:59/8:08. I finished strong on the 2k but I struggled between 600 and 1600 meters. This is a realy good wod. 27:07 as described.

  4. Justin very fair sub. that's nasty.

    I scaled the BP down to 155#. I weigh 220 and hell no. My shoulder would fall apart. As it was, 1/2 way through round 2 I was feeling a bit of sharp pain in the shoulder.

    TT 20:18

    I can row, gents. :-) ... but I will say my 500 was 1:55, a far cry from JTS' 1:43. I did not want to gas myself too much early. When I do a balls to the wall 500M (PR is 1:29.7) I am a wreck for many minutes. The effect of "out for blood" rowing is not worth saving 20 seconds on the WOD.

  5. I scaled to 165 for bench press and did 400,800 and 1600 meters runs for the rows. Good WOD.

    TT: 19:07

  6. My bench was at 185 and my arms felt like they were jelly around rep 20. Oh, I hate rowing.. nuff said. 2000 meters felt like 10 miles.


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