Friday, February 22, 2013

12-9-6-3 Snatch/Burpee


  1. This was very Fran like at the end but deceptive during the WOD, I felt pretty darn good until about thirty seconds after it was done, then the pain began. 4:38 as rx'd to finish, the pain and dry coughing continuing now.

    Burpee tip. Watch the mobility wod where Kelly goes over arm and hand position with Froning and Bailey, it was a huge help to get me into a more efficient position, which let me go faster and which caused me to be even more destroyed. Yeah burpees!!

  2. and Here I am a month later... did this one today 3/24 as part of a double. Justin you killed me big time.


    Sounds like I need to watch that video!

    Then I did the 3/6 WOD after 7 minutes of rest exactly. Heavily modified that one too. Times sucked today, but I got stronger, rest day tomorrow.

  3. I decided to join in on the fun and hit this one. Very deceiving little WOD. I finally beat Craig on a WOD. It's been awhile since I've done that. Justin you destroyed this one.

    TT: 5:27

    Enjoy your Sunday!


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