Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Grace or Elisabeth


  1. So I did 135# Grace with one catch, no letting go of the bar. It was much worse than I expected. Caused hips and calve muscles to not work properly at all...TT=4:41. No fun to rest bent over like that. Ended up on knees trying to relax calves and recover.

  2. Nice work Justin!

    I did Grace as RX'd. I wanted sub 5 but came up short.

    5:02 PR for me

  3. Chris, I bet I can give you a tip to get way sub-five minutes. Drop every single rep from overhead and just try and go steady not fast out of the gate. A rep every 10 seconds is 5 minutes exactly, you can do that easy. Watch the Froning video where he does it with 225#, which is like us humans with 135#. He drops every rep and he is efficient. Good luck next time and nice PR!

  4. Justin thanks for the tip, I will try that the next time this comes up. Froning is unreal, I watched that video. Dude is straight up strong.

  5. And efficient. He catches every clean at the bottom of the push press so there is no wasted movement at all.

  6. I have been looking forward to doing this bastard. Will do it later this week...

  7. Man that was lame. I was gunning for like a 3:30, or at least sub 4, but I finished weak. Got the first 11 done in a minute.

    I am worn out and really sore from Zeus and the 30 minutes of rope climbs and pushups yesterday...

    Anyway, TT 4:04. I guess that's a PR, but for some reason I seem to recall getting a 3:38 on a day that called for heavy clean and jerks and I did Grace instead. I can't find it though.

    The good news is, I have Fran throat and lung better... so it's not like I wasn't trying hard! Just didn't have a lot in the tank this morning.

  8. Here is Justin getting a 3:20 like 4 years ago!



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