Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hickman a.k.a. "Zeus"

Three rounds for time of:
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
75 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 30 reps
30 Box jump, 20" box
75 pound Push press, 30 reps
Row 30 calories
30 Push-ups
Body weight Back squat, 10 reps


  1. This is a great workout to honor a great man. As rx'd with 215# backsquats.

    13:23/15:55/14:44 TT=44:03

    Fletcher, these body squats are going to kill you with your buffet and Mai Tai laiden body:)

  2. First ... THIS was the hardest WOD I've done!! There is always one more that seems to be the hardest. Anyway... this was BRUTAL! I had to go with 135# squats since my knee, but nevertheless, I haven't done 90 squats in a long time. Also, finally getting over my cold so I had the throat burns and coughs.. toughed it out. Everything else was RX'd
    I really though that last round was faster than my 2nd, but that's what happens when you're completely gassed.

  3. Wyatt, that is just brutal to do 90 135# squats. I think when you are using both handrails and two hands to walk down the stairs today you should definitely laugh at what the perscribed workout was:)

  4. Fuck... And I'm getting stiff. Lower back.. ass, but tommorrow will be brutal w/soreness. All I can say is I jammed on that shit which continues to prove that you can push yourself beyond. And also continues to prove I need to stop forgetting to write this shit down 5 minutes before I leave for the gym. BTW Justin, your last round is flat out balls! I was delirious and thought I was crushing the last round and was a minute slower than the first.

  5. Yo, Wy, you did 30 squats per round? Dude?! It says TEN body weight. I think I am going to take my BW, which is about 228 right now, x10 = 2280/175 (scaled for my back) which is about 13 reps/round. Seems reasonable. I could easily do the 225/230 lb BS's strength wise, but last time I squatted more than 200 lbs I was out for 4 months more or less.

  6. All right boys that was bad ass terrible. Did as I said, 175 lbs x 13 each round. The rest RX'd.

    First round went too fast, 9:50, I about died going into the second round, which took almost 14 rounds, TT ended up being 37:24. What else can I say, it was just a devastating WOD worthy of a hero. I felt like quitting a few times but that is not permitted. My buddy Mike came (he subbed 145 BS's x14), he's got 5 years on me and isn't the strongest lifter, he went 47.

  7. To be fair, I believe that adding 50 lbs to the back squats (going from 175 to 225) and decreasing from 13 to 10 reps would be more difficult. It would have added another 30 seconds or so per round I am guessing because I might have had to rest more. Last round I went 9 and 4 @ 175 but it was a challenge, I was SMOKED by then. First two rounds I did 2 sets, like 7 and 6.


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