Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ascending Reps 20-50

205 pound Front squat, 20 reps 30 Box jump, 30 inch box 40 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball


  1. I scaled the weight way back to keep this a metcon. FS's hurt my shoulder big time so I went with 155 and box jumps were only 24".

    TT: 8:56

  2. As rx'd for me, did the front squats from the ground 10/6/4. Had to wait about 25 seconds to regain composure to clean again. Other wise wod went pretty good. 11:14.

    If your using a 30" box and a 205# front squat watch out for that first box jump, it is a doosey!

  3. You mean you had to power clean the bar in between sets of the FS's and you did 205? That is manly.

    I scaled them down to 165 (just to be heavier than Chris LOL) and did 30" box STEP UPS. I did a couple of BJ's at the start but I really can't do those very well at all, especially after squats. I crashed and burned on the third one and went to steps. Had to spring. Still, 30" step ups are no walk in the park.

    Went 10/4/4/2 on the FS's (Justin, again, 10 in a row with 205 is nuts, I struggled a little doing 10 @ 165!).

    Kicked the KBS's ass pretty good... went 26/14 ears ahead of arms and elbows locked all reps.

    Had 6:34 on the clock going into the WBs and really wanted to get sub 8 but I pussed out. Rested one too many times and settled for an 8:07. Damn it.

    This is 8 out of the last 9 days in a row with a WOD. Really trying to eat cleaner, stick to one (rather large) glass of wine with dinner, sleep good, and WOD hard. Weighing in at 230 bothered me. My pants were getting tight.

  4. I cannot do friggen squat movements without seating knee pain, but I tried anyway. Scaled fs's 115, like a puss. Rest as rx'd.

  5. I meant "searing" knee pain. It just restricts my movement.


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