Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Push Press 5x3


  1. Once again I did the fat lawyer trying to become a less fat lawyer version of this wod. My goal was to pr on the PPs and row a negative split on the rows the whole way through and happily I did just that. I allowed myself about a minute to recover from the rows before cleaning the weight into position.

    175x3 1:58/500m
    185x3 1:56/500m
    195x3 1:53/500m
    210x3 1:48/500m
    225x3 PR!

    That last power clean just about didn't happen along with rep #3 at 225. I thought I might pass out, but I didn't.

  2. Man you are killing it lately. That last row time is impressive given the circumstances. Even with a good back, I don't know if I could do 225 PP! Bad assiness. You big fat lawyer, you

  3. PS - I predict I shall WOD tomorrow... had to take a few days off from getting sick for the 4th time in 5 months.

  4. Justin that is STRONG! I did this one today and the Kenya WOD.
    Started @135-155-170-170-170-170x2 pain in wrist 175x1 had more pain in my wrist even after a 5 minute rest so I left it at that. Not as well as I had hoped but I now have this damn chest cold. It just started yesterday so it's not as bad yet.
    On Kenya.. I did 4 rounds +22 squats. I was pretty burnt after that.


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