Tuesday, April 14, 2015

100 burpee pull-ups, otherwise known as "GI Jane"


  1. Had a bad time on this one I think... 17:50. Had to stop three times... my buddy Dave brought his dog and my dog didn't like that, so I had to keep separating them, then Jeff came after we had already gotten started so there was slight delay there, but really I just should have gone faster. Shoulder deal is still burning some. Oh well, what's not to love about 100 burpee pullups? The bar wasn't something I had to jump for, but pullups were strict and fully extended.

  2. This one was more mentally tough than physically. when you're on Burpee #9, you got a long road ahead :)
    I jumped in and was on #8 before I checked the clock for starting time, so we adjusted to compensate. Total time 18:33


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