Thursday, April 2, 2015

5RFT: 20 30" box jump, 20 GHDs, 20 Hip Extensions


  1. First WOD back after vacation. Good one to start with, no GHD so I subbed toes to bar and weighted good mornings. The toe to bars felt like slow mo today. TT: 17:33

  2. Hey Jason, I edited the title so easier to find later (based on main site WOD). Anyway, did this RX'd in 19:18. Those GHDs kill me! Don't think TTB would have been any faster! 30" is a long way up.

  3. Oh, I had a first timer come today... my buddy Christian. He did a scaled Kelly, and I did the last two rounds with him as well. I am on a mission to lose 14 pounds in two months. Extreme swings aren't healthy, but basically I need to drink less alcohol, eat cleaner and less, sleep more, and keep training hard. I want to feel like I know I can... I've been slipping lately. NO MORE! Weighed in at 234 last night. My "super fit" fighting weight would be 212-215.. not shooting for that, but close to 220 would be good!


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