Monday, April 20, 2015

5 RFT squat cleans and gymnastics fun


  1. This was a fun one. 24:30 RX'd. Bar hangs got harder with each passing round... and the SCs were just a mental battle as always. L Sits aren't very fun when you have big heavy legs like me. Good times.

  2. Definitely a fun one. I used 75lbs for the front squat and started in a hanging position to avoid further lower back issues. I also subbed kettle ball for the L sits as my abs are thrashed from the 84 GHD's I did on Friday. total time 27:50

  3. Jim and I joined the fun today. I did this RX and the bar hangs toasts my forearms, which was awesome for the SCs. TT was 23:40 and Jim was 29:45.

  4. It's amazing how much the bar hangs sucked. Not an easy task.


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