Sunday, July 22, 2012

2012 Games Chipper


  1. hey dudes... I did a heavily modified version of this. More reps, less weight. The games athletes do in fact amaze me.

    Here's the Fletcher version:

    15 reps OHS 95
    Jumpovers RX'd
    15 thrusters 95 lbs
    15 PC's @ 155 (these slowed me down)
    TTB RX'd
    15 burpee pullups

    TT 17:34

    Not so fast. My garage was 80 already at 7:30. This time of year hurts!

  2. and of course... by "....." I mean I cycled back up through it until I finished with 15 OHSs. Did the last set of OHS unbroken which was an acomplishment because I was dead meat by then.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I scaled the weight to 75 pounds for all of the bar movements. Also instead of burpee muscle-ups I did 10 regular burpees, 10 Dead hang ring pullups and 10 ring dips. Box jump overs were RX'd and Toes to Bar were done on rings with only a little bit of kipping.

    TT 16:08

    I hear you on the heat. It has been close to 100's for the last couple of months here.


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